Abstract Nature: Transcending the Material World

Opening Saturday

Blitz Gallery in Toronto is new for me, and I’m very pleased to be included in their upcoming show. ‘Abstract Nature: Transcending the Material World’ opens on Saturday evening. 

Curator Angela Kim has put together a wonderful show featuring a group of ten artists whose work references the landscape and derives from it. If you’re in the Toronto area, please check it out.

As an artist, my work seeks to express not the particular appearance of a place, but rather the experience of being in that place, transmuting events, physicality and time into work that I hope creates an emotional resonance with viewers. I’m super-excited to be included with this group of artists who also work with the abstract possibilities of the natural world.

Click here for a preview of some of the art in the show >>

Abstract Nature:
Transcending the Material World

Blitz Gallery
July 22-August 12
101 Richmond St East, 1st Floor
Toronto, ON
OPENING RECEPTION: Saturday, July 22nd, 6pm-9pm