New Paintings on Paper

Suspension of Disbelief, painting on paper by Janet Taylor

Suspension of Disbelief, 2025, Acrylic and mixed media on cotton paper, 12x9”

Easy Marks and Jewel Tones on Cotton Paper

I love working on paper. There’s a freedom to the small size and the ease of trying out different ways of making marks and thinking about composition. I like to have a few on the go in the studio while I’m working on bigger pieces. Because they can be so experimental, some of them never make it to “prime time”, but others turn out to be some of my favourites, pointing the way forward for the larger studio practice.

For this series, I think the jewel-tone blues and greens were a counter-point to the fifteen feet (you read that right) of snow I’ve had accumulating outside the studio since December.

All of which is to say that I’ve released a collection of new works on paper through On the Wall. There are eight new paintings, all on a fabulous extra heavy-weight cotton paper.

New Paintings on Paper

Hint: They look great in groups!